Our Residents!

Pine martens are local to the area and have been photographed in the gardens of the cottage and other residencies in the village. I have personally seen them on their hind legs trying to get in via the patio doors!!

Badgers have also been spotted in our gardens - you can see their claw marks on the grass. But there’s nowhere for them to go with the rock underground!

We have been delighted to watch a fine healthy Stag in the plot behind the blue summer house and also 2 young hinds munching on the grass below the master bedroom window! So watch out for the deer - there have been many sightings of them and also of 2 adult hinds in the village. You can see their hoof marks along the road side as you head to the Hotel.

Otters - very elusive but we have spotted a huge dog otter over the winter munching on lovely silver fish in the bay in front of the cottage.

Golden Eagle spotted in a tree at the Salen Hotel - looks like a youngster.

We have Water Voles in the ponds and watch out for the Herons - they love sitting at the edge of the ponds looking for frogs. There is quite a number of Herons in the bay so there must be good feeding. For the fisherman, mackerel usually arrive in the bay around July/August.

If you decide to rent a boat, we have on several occasions spotted some porpoises outside the bay - you may be lucky.

So - quite an array of wildlife for you. If you see anything else during your visit, please let us know. It’s great to share these experiences.


Nikki Dunn